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Saudi Arabia joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow

In a historic break with the United States and its fast collapsing Petrodollar System, that allows America to print worthless paper currency to fund its global wars and beyond staggering national debt , this morning the Saudi Arabian cabinet approved a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization group of nations led by Russia and China, that uses gold backed Russian Rubles and Chinese Yuan.

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CNN chief international correspondent Fareed Zakaria poses a warning message: “If the US dollar’s global supremacy erodes, America will face a reckoning like none before.” It is a warning joined by conservative Republican Party leader US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green proclaiming:  “I warned the dollar would be replaced with the yuan a year ago when Washington decided to wage a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and now it’s happening…The warmonger’s war is going to plunge Americans into economic woes never seen before in our entire history if the dollar falls …They will be to blame and America will never recover.

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